July 23rd, 2019
Innsmouth 32, Innsmouth 32 Updates, Meet The Cast
It’s Monster Monday in old Innsmouth, where we reveal one of the monsters found within our game and give you a little blurb about them. We start with the Elders of the Abyss. In Lovecraft’s Shadow Over Innsmouth, it is noted that the Innsmouth fishing industry went through a boom time. Fish everywhere! It is noted:
“As for business—the abundance of fish was certainly almost uncanny…”
Perhaps, beneath the waves, there was something driving those fish towards old Innsmouth Bay? Like the Elders of the Abyss, maybe?!?
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July 20th, 2019
Innsmouth 32, Innsmouth 32 Updates, Meet The Cast
“Lawrence heard there was a new Lovecraft inspired board game on kickstarter this week.
He thought it would be just another Lovecraftian game and didn’t check it out. Lawrence was wrong.”
Innsmouth 32 Kickstarter Link:
But who is this Lawrence? And what does he have to do with our story anyways?!?
In Lovecraft’s original weird tale, there is a mention of Cousin Lawrence, who is in the “permanent seclusion of a sanitarium at Canton”. There is, of course, more to his sad story, but I don’t want to give away the ending of Lovecraft’s story…
Suffice it to say, he’s come back home to Innsmouth…
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