Roswell 51 – The Rat Hole Review
December 22nd, 2018
News, Reviews
A Roswell 51 review from David Chapman, the pappa rat over at The Rat Hole game review site. We mat David at Gen Con this year, when our game caught his eye. As he notes in the review, David loves his B-movies, especially retro sci-fi B-movies.
In his review, David zones in on what makes Shuffling Horror shine:
“Just like a GM, the Director is one part player, one part guide, one part rules guru, and one part storyteller. Unlike an RPG, you can easily play this game straight, with the Survivors and Monsters just a collection of opposing stats, augmented with dice rolls. If you do that, the game is still fun. But when all the players, Survivors and Director, work together to tell a story; that’s when the game truly starts to shine.”