The WEGS Fray

BOSS RPG | Basic Old Skool System

Are you ready for the BOSS? We are in full-throttle play test mode with our new Basic Old Skool System. For our WEGS Old Skool…

GameWick News

Big News! The New GameWick Games Shop is Live!

And here to celebrate with us is the talented Mr. H.P. Lovecraft who stars as The Night Clerk in Shuffling Horror: Innsmouth 32! (The Innsmouth…

Shuffling Horrors!

Big News! The New GameWick Games Shop is Live!

And here to celebrate with us is the talented Mr. H.P. Lovecraft who stars as The Night Clerk in Shuffling Horror: Innsmouth 32! (The Innsmouth…

Cast & Blast-Halloween Edition

October 31st, 2016

Blog-Pic-CastBlast-600A Halloween treat for the fans – new spells! One with a bunch of tentacles. One with a ghostly guardian. One that’s just bloody disgusting (a real gutbuster).

Tentacleeze (Magic/Sea)

Four tentacles sprout from the mage’s sides forming a wall of flailing fury between the mage and their foe. Each tentacle is treated as a Level 2/22 minion that may attack at the spante. The mage also benefits with +20% Invulnerability due to tentacle coverage (5% per). Engaged foes may directly attack the tentacles. Destroyed tentacles don’t grow back. A mage can command each tentacle to either (a) attack and cause damage or (b) grasp (automatic hit on foe in SQR range). Each tentacle grasping a foe earns a cumulative 20% chance to hold that foe in a Lost Action Phase. For example, four grasping tentacles has an 80% change to LAP that foe.
Target: Self
Type: Special Effect+Attack
Range: All touching squares.
Use: Normal
Upkeep: Normal

Wizard’s Wiffler (Magic)

The mage is protected by an invisible ghostly guardian called the wiffler. Each inning, the wiffler blocks an area of four connected squares (like a wall). The mage can declare this block upon being attacked, it is then set for the inning. The wall can be re-positioned each new inning. Those attacking will not know where the block begins/ends. No one can physically pass through or occupy the guarded area; those attempting to do so are stopped and struck for (d10 x Level) non-enchanted wounds. Foes are allowed a Stealth Rank Only invulnerability test versus this damage. The mage also gains a +20 INV bonus versus any ranged attack that passes through the wiffle zone. If the mage actively engages a similarly sized foe (moves into their space), the wiffler knocks that foe back 1 square in a random direction (the foe is allowed an SRO invulnerability test to resist the push). The mage may double the guard and summon two wifflers (who can then provide full perimeter coverage (all 8 squares surrounding the mage)). This doubles the knockback ability (two foes can be knocked or a single foe twice the mage’s size). The wall’s height is 4 SQR.
Target: Self
Type: Special Effect+Attack
Range: All touching squares.
Use: Normal
Upkeep: Normal

Twisted Innards (Magic/Nekromagic)

The mage targets one foe within range causing their guts to painfully churn, burn, and roil. The foe suffers a half-stat penalty for all actions, and strengths are based on these diminished numbers. At each spante, there is an Frozen Roll chance that the foe soils itself; if so, the foe suffers (d6 x d6)+SPS wounds. To make matters worse, if any damage total is greater than the victim’s full/normal base Wounds, the victim suffers a (d6 x d6) Near Death Experience. Failing the NDE roll results in one bloody awful explosion of innards upon those nearby.
Target: Other
Type: Attack
Range: 12 SQR.
Use: Normal
Upkeep: Normal

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Shuffling Horror Weekend 2016

October 27th, 2016


Are you ready to shuffle the horror this Halloween weekend? If you are running a Pittsburgh 68 game, we want to know about it! Take some pics and send us the final results. Here’s what we need to know:

Director vs How Many Players: ?

How Many Reels Played: ?

Who Survived: ?

For those of you who might be rusty on the rules, there are some great pdfs under the Bonus Materials section on our Pittsburgh 68 page. Start with The Big Screen for a quick overview of the game board. Then, check out The Survivor Draw Pile for the new rules for distributing survivor cards.

Keep on shuffling, folks!


For those who are curious… We are just putting the final nails in the coffin for Roswell 51.
Production details coming soon!

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Shuffling Dead: The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere

October 27th, 2016

Deryk, Bev, and Ocho (our trio of Pittsburgh 68 shufflers) are trying something new for their Walking Dead episode reviews this season: they will sum up each episode with three cards from the Pittsburgh 68 playing deck.  Here’s their first “three card review” of that brutal Season 7 opener: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be.

(They all think The Bat is going to be pretty prominent this season…)



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