August 22nd, 2021
GameWick News, Innsmouth 32
And here to celebrate with us is the talented Mr. H.P. Lovecraft who stars as
The Night Clerk in Shuffling Horror: Innsmouth 32!
(The Innsmouth 32 street date happened also to be his 132, birthday…)
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn, indeed!
March 5th, 2021
BOSS, Caves of Utter Chaos, The WEGS Fray, WEGS Old Skool
Are you ready for the BOSS?
We are in full-throttle play test mode with our new Basic Old Skool System.
For our WEGS Old Skool Fantasy fans, you’re going to love this new take on our original rpg.
New spells, new monsters, and a dungeon full of traps and treasures to explore.
We hope to release this in late 2021. Stay tuned!
February 16th, 2021
GameWick News
Especially on Valentine’s Day!
January 2nd, 2021
GameWick News
Happy New Year to all our friends and fans!
Let’s leave 2020 in the dust, reload all our marbles,
and get ready for a happy and healthy and fun-filled 2021!
December 23rd, 2020
GameWick News
It’s been a while, but our new website is up!
Store links over to our Amazon product pages.
More content coming, so check back soon!
May 11th, 2020
GameWick News
Please excuse our appearances here… We are in the process of updating our website! The server we were on was being retired, and our service provider had to switch us over to a new one. In the upgrade, some things fell apart and the internet gremlins ate some of our code.
It was time for us to update the website anyhow…
New and exciting website coming soon!