Shuffling Horror Week 2015: Game 4+5

November 1st, 2015
News, Shuffling Horror Week

Game #4 and #5 of the Zombie World Series 2015 went down at All Things Fun in West Berlin, New Jersey. Going into these final two games, Team Survivor was ahead by a single game. Team Zombie needed back-to-back wins to take the series lead. Here are the highlights from each game.

Game #4 began with The Kid Sister as a zombie appetizer before the game even began. A horrid start! Her demise was due to the Hold Them Back plot device card in the Opening Scene. This gave the players a glimpse on just how brutal The Game Of Shuffling Horror can be. It’s hard to say if this shock galvanized the team, but the Survivors completely annihilated the zombies from that point forward. As soon as the zombies were set up for attack, the team trimmed them back. Sorority Girl + Baseball Bat was shockingly effective, as was The Nurse, who had a knack for rolling Hard Four for her attacks (gaining her a damage bonus). These odd moments made the game so much fun!

SHW-15-Score-41Game #5 was a different story; it ended in the early moments of Reel 3. For most of the game, the Director maintained three healthy zombie throngs. By Reel 3, the Director was five throngs deep. One of the best parts of the game was the story. One player started with The Sorority Girl and then drew the Little Sister and Kid Brother. It was obviously her baby-sitting gig that was about to become a nightmare. She protected the kids as best she could (noting that this was way beyond her $10 an hour rate). In the end, both kids were lost and she found herself the Last One Standing. Somehow, she survived seven zombie attacks, winning one more game for Team Survivor. So much fun, but not for the zombies!

The Game 4 & 5 Recap

Director vs How Many Players: 3 / 2

How Many Reels Played: 4 / 4

Survivors: Almost Everyone! / Only The Sorority Girl.

Who Won: Survivors (both games)

Alternate rules: Survivor Draw Pile, Continuity, and Cover + Attack. Here’s a link to alternate rules info.

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